Re: parameters and pipelines (revised)

/ (Henry S. Thompson) was heard to say:
|> Sigh. Yet more concepts, but yes, that does sound like the right
|> answer.
| Yes, I can live with that too, as it actually _isn't_ a new concept,
| it's making the idea of 'primary' apply to both kinds of input ports,
| not just one.

Well, not really. It means introducing a new concept: "primary
parameter input port".

Syntactically, it's just allowing primary on the parameter input port,
but it's conceptually different because this is presumably allowed:

  <p:input port="parameters" primary="yes" kind="parameters"/>
  <p:input port="source" primary="yes"/>

  <p:input port="alt-parameters" kind="parameters"/>
  <p:input port="alt-import"/>

Where using "primary" twice would previously have been an error.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Everything should be made as simple as            | possible, but no simpler.

Received on Tuesday, 10 July 2007 14:05:05 UTC