Catching errors

I'd like to propose a more flexible way to handle errors, in comparison 
to the status quo.

My proposal is a small addition to the p:catch element: an optional 
@code attribute with the same semantics of p:error's code option. This 
would allow a pipeline author to catch just a specific error, instead of 
catching any error, handling it appropriately in situ. Other errors 
would be caught by outer p:try/p:catch blocks.

A simple skeleton example:

     <p:catch code="err:XD0001">

If such mechanism is allowed, then I would like to propose a small 
change to p:try's syntax to enable multiple p:catch elements. Authors 
would have a way to produce cleaner error handling markup by avoiding 
having to use a p:choose inside the p:catch to achieve the same effect.

A skeleton example:

     <p:catch code="err:XD0001">
     <p:catch code="err:XD0002">

On a side note, should we define error codes for each step (both 
required and optional ones), or leave it as implementation defined? I 
think it would be somewhat verbose to describe them (e.g., all errors 
for XSLT 2.0), but it would provide us a thinner control of pipelines - 
and interoperable - using my @code proposal.



Received on Tuesday, 10 July 2007 00:37:14 UTC