Re: parameters and pipelines


May I disturb this nice proposition with the namespace matter for
QName parameter names or even values ?


On 7/6/07, Henry S. Thompson <> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> We've got several gaps in this area at the moment.
> 1) The current draft doesn't say anything about how you get access to
>    parameters passed to pipelines 'from outside';
> 2) The current draft doesn't say anything about how you get access to
>    parameters passed to pipelines when invoking them by name;
> 3) There is an ednote in the current draft [1] raising the question of
>    whether steps which declare no parameter inputs get the pipeline
>    parameters by default.
> Here are some suggestions about how we deal with this, based in part
> on IRC discussion with Norm (but don't assume he agrees with any of
> this):
> 1) Sets of parameter name/value pairs may be externally specified in
>    two ways, which I'll call 'named' and 'anonymous':
>    named: a named collection of name/value pairs
>    anonymous: an un-named collection of name/value pairs
>    For example
>  > xproc -params xslt1 x=1 y=1 -params xslt2 x=2 y=2 -params debug=no pipe.xpl
>    might be one way to produce two named sets and one anonymous set
>    p:pipeline allows parameter inputs (a parameter input is a static
>    error on any other container).
>    It's a dynamic error if a named parameter set is specified
>    externally for a pipeline which does not have a parameter input of
>    the same name.  An unnamed parameter set is always allowed.
>    Steps can access named parameter sets in the obvious way, e.g.
>      <p:input name='foo' kind='parameter'>
>       <p:pipe step='pipe' port='xslt1'/>
>      </p:input>
>    Steps can access the unnamed parameter set using defaulting:
>      <p:input name='bar' kind='parameter'/>
> 2) A pipeline invoked by name gets its parameters in an analogous way:
>    2a) Iff the pipeline was defined with one or more parameter input
>        ports, the invocation may include a binding for those ports:
>        <p:pipeline type='my:pipe'>
>         . . .
>         <p:input port='xslt1' kind='parameter'/>
>         . . .
>        </p:pipeline>
>        <my:pipe>
>         . . .
>         <p:input port='xslt1'>
>          <p:inline>
>           <c:parameter name='x' value='3'/>
>          </p:inline>
>         </p:input>
>         . . .
>        </my:pipe>
>    2b) Explicit use of p:parameter in a named pipeline invocation
>        produces anonymous parameters for the invoked pipeline:
>        <p:pipeline type='my:pipe'>
>          . . .
>          <p:xquery>
>           <p:input name='baz' kind='parameter'/>
>           . . .
>          </p:xquery>
>          . . .
>         </p:pipeline>
>         <my:pipe>
>          <p:parameter name='forXQuery' value='17'/>
>          . . .
>         </my:pipe>
> Open questions:
>  A) As specified above there is no way to pass the anonymous set from
>     the top-level pipeline down anonymously to a pipeline invoked by
>     name, which is either a bug or a feature. . .
>  B) Should <p:input kind='parameter' .../> as a child of p:pipeline be
>     purely a declaration, i.e. be necessarily empty, or should we
>     allow it to have content, in which case how do we treat that
>     content -- merge it with external input, ignore it if there's any
>     external input, . . .?
>  C) There's a covert assumption in the current spec., unchanged by any
>     of the above, that the API from the runtime to step
>     implementations will have a way of accessing parameters.  Since
>     parameters aren't declared, this access will have to be
>     undifferentiated as to port name, that is, it's just "give me all
>     the parameter bindings you have for this instance of this step".
>     So question (3) above becomes, in the terms of the proposal in (1)
>     and (2) above, "Under what circumstances should the runtime
>     deliver the anonymous parameter set when a step implementation
>     asks for its parameters?"
>     Possible answers:
>       a) Always;
>       b) Only if a parameter port has been explicitly bound to them
>          (as in the 'bar' example under (1) above);
>       c) If a parameter port has been explicitly bound to them, or if
>          no parameter ports have been bound at all.
>     I believe Alessandro favours (b), and I favour (c).  The
>     difference is manifested in the case of a simple p:xslt step -- if
>     the pipeline is minimal, i.e.
>      <p:pipeline>
>       <p:xslt>
>        <p:input port="transform">
>         <p:document href="..."/>
>        </p:input>
>       </p:xslt>
>      </p:pipeline>
>      and I invoke it with some parameters (either 'from outside', or
>      by invoking it by name), does the XSLT step see the parameters?
>      I think users will expect it to, and I think they're right.
>      On proposal (c) above, if you want to _protect_ a step from
>      parameters, you would write e.g.
>      <p:pipeline>
>       <p:xslt>
>        <p:input port='mum' kind='parameter'>
>         <p:empty/>
>        </p:input>
>       </p:xslt>
>      </p:pipeline>
>      thereby forestalling the delivery of the anonymous set.
> ht
> [1]
> - --
>  Henry S. Thompson, HCRC Language Technology Group, University of Edinburgh
>                      Half-time member of W3C Team
>     2 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW, SCOTLAND -- (44) 131 650-4440
>             Fax: (44) 131 650-4587, e-mail:
>                    URL:
> [mail really from me _always_ has this .sig -- mail without it is forged spam]
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Received on Friday, 6 July 2007 12:57:10 UTC