New system property: p:platform?

Vasil Rangelov says:
> I also suggest a new property called p:platform or something like that which
> would return a string containing different information about the environment
> the XProc implementation is running on. The exact content should be
> implementation defined for security/privacy reasons. A very typical use case
> would be implementation that has several language bindings. In this case,
> this string could contain the name of the language to which the
> implementation is bind to. It could also show OS, available RAM and CPU and
> other cheesy stuff. Most of what would be really useful for this property
> (and also what is most likely to be implemented) could also be used in
> p:product-version though, so I don't feel very strong about it.


                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Everything should be made as simple as            | possible, but no simpler.

Received on Monday, 2 July 2007 19:52:36 UTC