Re: Proposed component list

On 2/1/07, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
> XSLT has well defined semantics for running a 1.0 stylesheet through a
> 2.0 processor and vice versa.

I understand this. But it seems to me that in most cases when people
have version="1.0" in their stylesheet, their intention is to have the
stylesheet executed by a 1.0 engine, and when they have version="2.0",
their intention is to have the stylesheet executed by a 2.0 engine.

So why not make that the default, but still give pipeline authors the
ability to provide a parameter to say "I really want this to be
executed by a 1.0 or 2.0 engine, whatever the version attribute says",
for those corner cases where it is needed.

This discussion shows the tension between making things always
explicit and picking a default that works most of the time, while
letting users provide a configuration for those cases where the
default is not appropriate. We get to pick what we like better: EJB 2
or RoR?

Orbeon Forms - Web Forms for the Enterprise, Done the Right Way

Received on Thursday, 1 February 2007 16:16:18 UTC