RE: Face-to-face meeting at the upcoming technical plenary


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On 
> Behalf Of Norman Walsh
> Sent: Wednesday, 2007 August 29 14:22
> To:
> Subject: Face-to-face meeting at the upcoming technical plenary 
> The W3C Technical Plenary[1] takes place in Cambridge, MA, US from
> 5-10 November 2007.
> My records[2] show The XML Processing Model WG (that's us :-) meeting
> on Thursday and Friday, 8-9 Nov. (I can't find a pointer to the
> official schedule, but I'm pretty sure I copied that data off the
> official schedule when it passed through my inbox.)

and look at the table under "DRAFT -- Days/Groups schedule".

> I had hoped that we'd be finished before the plenary, but that seems
> impossible now.
> I'd like to know how many folks can commit to attending our f2f
> meeting at the plenary and how many of those not attending think there
> would be benefit in attempting to arrange for dial-in access to the
> meeting. One of the key benefits of a f2f is the ability to draw
> pictures and stand around a whiteboard so I don't expect telephone
> participation to be a good substitute for being there in person.

I have a conflict with the XSL-FO SG meeting at the same 
time, so I'm not likely to be in most of the meetings,
but I will be around fwiw.

> I expect our agenda will consist mostly of dealing with last call
> issues (please, please, please we'll be in last call soon) and
> discussing how to address the other deliverable in our charter.

I really think some f2f time should be allotted to discussing
futures for XProc. 


Received on Wednesday, 29 August 2007 19:41:07 UTC