Re: New draft: 10 Aug

Alex, please make sure you look for comments to you!

/ Innovimax SARL <> was heard to say:
| (Sorry Big mail)
| s/7.1.1 Add Attributes/7.1.1 Add Attribute/ (remove the extra s)
| s/Expries/Expires/
| s/availble/available/


| In C.2 Fragment Identifiers
| The link for "defaulted names" is broken


| Also don't we need the xmlns() scheme for resolving pipeline inside p:librairy ?

I don't think so, names are always NCNames.

| In 5.1.2 Parameter Inputs
| This is redundant and pointing to error that are not exactly what is described
| [[
| It is a static error (err:XS0040) to specify any value other than
| "yes" or "true". It is a static error (err:XS0020) to specify the
| sequence attribute on a parameter input with any value other than
| "yes".
| ]]


| In application of this
| Example 10,
| p:parameters step,
| p:xslt step,
| p:xslt2 step,
| p:xsl-formatter step,
| and p:xquery step should add sequence="yes" to input port="parameters"

Fixed, I think.

| --
| In the declaration of component, no distinction is made between XSLT
| pattern and XPath expression : please make the distinction
| <p:viewport
|   name? = NCName
|   match = XPath expression><!-- should be XSLT pattern instead -->
| </p:viewport>
| <p:when
|   name? = NCName
|   test = XPath expression><!-- is ok -->
| </p:when>


| Remove unneeded sequence="no" in p:add-attribute
| Please add sequence="yes" to output port=result in p:add-xml-base or
| remove it from input port="source"

I think Alex fixed those.

| Rephrase second bullet
| [[
| If the element is the document element and *there is no explicit has
| no xml:base attribute*, an xml:base attribute is added with the value
| set to the element's base URI.
| ]]
| see between stars

I don't understand the change.

| It seems option=all need to have a default value to 'no', and
| option=relative also


| --
| In p:directory-list
| Why is filter a Regex ?

Yeah, I agree. I think something simpler was proposed. Alex?

| --
| In p:insert
| Now that there is no default for position, It needs to be required="yes"


Alex, I'm leaving the rest of these for you! :-)

| In p:label
| Please remove the first line (redundant) and the unneeded "and the step fails"
| [[
| If an existing xml:id value conflicts with a previously generated
| value, the step fails.
| It is a dynamic error (err:XC0006) if an existing xml:id value
| conflicts with a previously generated value and the step fails.
| ]]
| --
| In p:namespace-rename
| Please rephrase this sentence
| [[
| If the from option is the empty string, or is not specified, then
| elements and attributes in no namespace are renamed. If the to option
| is the empty string, or is not specified, then elements and attributes
| in the specified from namespace are renamed into no namespace.
| ]]
| --
| In p:parameters
| All the c:parameter points to p:parameter, please fix it
| as with p:document/p:documentation, I suggest to find another name for this step
| --
| In p:rename
| I think we should narrow the error XC009 to target only the validity
| of the name option
| [[
| It is a dynamic error (err:XC0009) if the specified name is not a
| valid name or if the renaming would introduce a syntactic error into
| the document (i.e., if it would create two attributes with the same
| name on the same element).
| ]]
| to
| [[
| It is a dynamic error (err:XC0009) if the specified name is not a valid QName
| ]]
| For the matter of validity, if we want to keep such level of detail,
| we need to provide the same for each step (which could be a huge task)
| We already know that if the document is not namespace aware well
| formed, it will be a XD0001 error (note en passant that XD0001 is not
| as precise at it should)
| --
| In p:set-attributes
| you need to provide a default value for match or make it required="yes"
| Note en passant, that all match option are not consistant in each steps
| --
| In p:serialization
| "The encoding must support the values UTF-8 or UTF-16."
| Please replace "or" by "and" (UTF-8 should be mandatory)
| "The omit-xml-declaration must support be supported. If the value is
| not specified or has the value no, an XML declaration must be
| produced."
| please correct "must support be supported". Also, Is the
| omit-xml-declaration="yes" mandatory (your phrasing is not enough
| clear)
| Mohamed
| -- 
| Innovimax SARL
| Consulting, Training & XML Development
| 9, impasse des Orteaux
| 75020 Paris
| Tel : +33 9 52 475787
| Fax : +33 1 4356 1746
| RCS Paris 488.018.631
| SARL au capital de 10.000 €

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | The great man is he who has not lost            | the heart of a child.-- Mencius

Received on Tuesday, 21 August 2007 16:02:53 UTC