Re: Defaulting pipeline inputs and outputs

/ "Innovimax SARL" <> was heard to say:
| Thanks for the clarification but what should be the interpretation of
| this pipeline ?
| <p:pipeline>
|   <p:option name="operation"/>
|   <p:choose>
|     <p:when test="$operation = 'parameters'">
|       <p:parameters/>
|     </p:when>
|     <p:when test="$operation = 'xslt'">
|       <p:xslt>
|         <p:input port="stylesheet"/>
|           <p:document href="stylesheet.xsl"/>
|         </p:input>
|       </p:xslt>
|     </p:when>
|     <p:when test="$operation = 'xslfo'">
|       <p:xsl-formatter uri="result.pdf"/>
|     </p:when>
|   </p:choose>
| </p:pipeline>

The p:choose step does not have a primary input port, so the pipeline
doesn't get one. So the processor should report that each of
p:parameters, p:xslt, and p:xsl-formatter have an unbound primary
input port.

I think this reveals that 2.3 is currently in error. It says that a
primary input will be added to a compound step if necessary, but it
should say p:pipeline. Pipeline is the only compound step that *has*
any inputs.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | I'm not tense, I'm just terribly,            | terribly alert.

Received on Friday, 10 August 2007 12:25:29 UTC