Re: Defaulting pipeline inputs and outputs

On 8/9/07, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
> / "Innovimax SARL" <> was heard to say:
> | Let's give some troubling example
> |
> | <p:pipeline>
> |   <p:xslt/>
> | </p:pipeline>
> |
> | what is supposed this one to be equivalent to ?
> | How many implicit inputs are generated ?
> We've already answered these questions. That pipeline isn't valid.
> Only the primary input port (or primary output port) is ever
> implicitly created.
> In the case of an input port, it's created so that it can be
> implicitly connected to the primary input port of the first step if
> and only if the first step has one.
> In the case of an output port, it's created so that it can be
> implicitly connected to the primary output port of the last step if
> and only if the last step has one.
> The p:xslt step has a second (non-primary) input. That input *has* to
> be explicitly bound. Non-primary inputs are never implicitly bound,
> either to implicitly created pipeline inputs or to the primary output
> of preceding steps.
> | Now that we have parameter ports it seems more and more unlikely to be
> | fully manageable by users (may I recall than nothing forbid an input
> | of kind="document" to be connected to an input of kind="parameter"
> The vast majority of users are just going to ignore parameter inputs.
> They're going to just work.

Thanks for the clarification but what should be the interpretation of
this pipeline ?
  <p:option name="operation"/>
    <p:when test="$operation = 'parameters'">
    <p:when test="$operation = 'xslt'">
        <p:input port="stylesheet"/>
          <p:document href="stylesheet.xsl"/>
    <p:when test="$operation = 'xslfo'">
      <p:xsl-formatter uri="result.pdf"/>

Innovimax SARL
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Received on Thursday, 9 August 2007 21:29:45 UTC