Namespace bindings

Do we expect the following pipeline to work?

<p:pipeline xmlns:p="...">
  <p:option name="delete" value="html:div"

    <p:input port="source">
        <html xmlns="">
          <h1>Delete My Divs</h1>

    <p:option name="match" select="$delete"/>

Where "work" means that the pipeline runs and produces:

<html xmlns="">
  <h1>Delete My Divs</h1>

Suppose local.xml contains:

    <delete xmlns:h=""

Do we expect this to work?

<p:pipeline xmlns:p="...">
  <p:load name="load-commands" href="local.xml"/>

    <p:input port="source">
        <html xmlns="">
          <h1>Delete My Divs</h1>

    <p:option name="match" select="/commands/delete/@match">
      <p:pipe step="load-commands" port="result"/>

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | For the mental patient's family and            | society, mental illness is a 'problem';
                              | for the patient himself it is a
                              | 'solution'.--Thomas Szasz

Received on Monday, 6 August 2007 18:09:25 UTC