Re: XProc Editors Draft 2007-07-19: Section 4.2 Comments

Norman Walsh wrote:
> At one point we were going to use context-position and context-size.
> Then we decided that we couldn't and switched to p:iteration-count()
> instead of context size.
> Don't we also need a p:iteration-size() or something?

Uh. Wasn't the whole reason behind not having position() and last() that 
we didn't want to support last() and so we had to introduce an extension 
function to give an iteration number rather than the built-in XPath 

In other words, if you introduce p:iteration-size() as well as 
p:iteration-count() then we've effectively got a context size and 
position and we may as well call them the standard names (last() and 

I'm not (at all) against it (quite the opposite), just thought we'd 
resolved this.

Jeni Tennison

Received on Friday, 3 August 2007 07:08:52 UTC