Re: p:viewport vs. p:delete

/ Alex Milowski <> was heard to say:
|> If it's a match pattern, how many other standard components use match
|> patterns?
| Steps that should use match:
|   p:replace
| Steps that could use either:
|   p:insert
|   p:wrap
| Steps that should use select:
|   p:rename
| My criteria being whether it makes sense for the step to
| operate on "inner matches" (nodes that are contained
| in other nodes that match the XPath).

Hmm, so the reason you prefer select for rename is that given:

    <p:option name="select" value="//*/@foo"/>
    <p:option name="name" value="bar"/>

and this input:

    <div foo="test">
      <p foo="also"/>

You expect

    <div bar="test">
      <p bar="also"/>

I think I still prefer my rules, where you'd say:

    <p:option name="match" value="@foo"/>
    <p:option name="name" value="bar"/>

How does this work for elements?

    <p:option name="select" value="//xh:div"/>
    <p:option name="name" value="h:div"/>

and this input:

    <xh:div foo="test">
      <xh:div foo="also"/>

You expect

    <h:div foo="test">
      <h:div foo="also"/>

And with match semantics:

    <p:option name="match" value="xh:div"/>
    <p:option name="name" value="h:div"/>

Only the outer xh:div would be processed.

Yes, I guess select is better for rename. I predict user confusion
about when to use one and when the other.

| Perhaps the option should be named either 'select' or 'match' so that
|> it's clear which kind of expression is intended.
| I'd be happy to change the name as appropriate.

Please do, assuming no one objects.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | There is always some accident in the            | best of things, whether thoughts or
                              | expressions or deeds. The memorable
                              | thought, the happy expression, the
                              | admirable deed are only partly
                              | yours.--Henry David Thoreau

Received on Tuesday, 24 April 2007 16:32:11 UTC