Re: XSLT non-XML output

On 4/18/07, Alex Milowski <> wrote:
> The same thing that happens when you import a transformation
> and change the output method.  The inner output method is
> ignored.
> In the case of calling a pipeline, the outputs of the called pipeline
> have to be XML and aren't being serialized.  As such, the serialization
> method information can safely be ignored.

This is consistent with XSLT, and I am all for consistency with XSLT.
But like Norm, I don't like the idea of associating a serialization
method with a pipeline output. I like to keep pipeline outputs as
simple as possible. If an output needs to be serialized, this can be
done outside of the pipeline, for instance in another pipeline, which
decides how (html, text, ...) and where (HTTP response, file on disk,
...) the data is serialized.

If the pipeline really needs to convey to the outside world how its
output should be serialized, it can do so for instance using an other
output, which contains the serialization method.

Orbeon Forms - Web 2.0 Forms for the Enterprise

Received on Wednesday, 18 April 2007 22:58:58 UTC