Re: standard components edits

On 4/13/07, Innovimax SARL <> wrote:
> Ok I see two edge cases :
> 1) we have to use XML Schema datatypes in XProc

How is this an "edge case"?

> 2) how do you inform the component that your input is an
> *embedded-in-xml* one ? so how ,in case there could be embedded-in-xml
> and natural-xml, do you make the difference (XQuery vs XQueryX,
> RDF/XML vs Turtle, Relax NG Compact vs Relax NG, JSON vs XML, DTD vs
> XML Schema, ...) ?

For instance using a parameter, or having multiple components, or
having the component do the right thing based on the content of its
input, whatever is the most appropriate. I don't see this as being
much different from the cases where a component could take different
XML applications as input.

Orbeon Forms - Web 2.0 Forms for the Enterprise

Received on Friday, 13 April 2007 21:35:35 UTC