Re: Variables and parameters

On 5/24/06, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
> I've been expecting p:if/p:choose/p:pipeline/p:for-each/etc. to be
> self-contained. As you've written it here, the p:when branch "reaches
> out" of the p:choose to get the request. I think that makes it harder
> to analyze the conditional, but maybe I'm mistaken.

In most programming languages (and all the one I know), from the code
inside an "if" or "for-ech" statement, you can access variables
declared outside of that statement. You can write something like:

shipForCheap($package) {

    $upsPrice = getUPSPrice($package)
    $fedExPrice = getFexExPrice($package)

    if ($upsPrice < $fedExPrice) {
    else {


It would seem utterly verbose to have to write instead:

    if ($upsPrice < $fedExPrice)
        using $package as $package
    { ...

It is a different story however for the "return" value of the
if/for-each however, as in most programming languages an if/for-each
does create variables or labels that can be used later in the program.
So for the output I agree and prefer to be explicit. Here we should be
consistent with what we do for the pipeline output. So using as an
example the <p:return> suggested in my previous email, the choose
block would become:

    <p:output name="result"/>
    <p:when test="$validity = 'true'">
        <p:step name="process-request">
            <p:with-input name="document" select="$request"/>
            <p:with-output name="result" label="result"/>
        <p:return name="result" select="$result"/>
        <p:step name="return-error">
            <p:with-output name="error" label="error"/>
            <p:return name="result" select="$error"/>

Blog (XML, Web apps, Open Source):

Received on Thursday, 25 May 2006 00:13:40 UTC