Re: Variables and parameters

/ Alessandro Vernet <> was heard to say:
| I apologize if I am the source of a confusion here. My understanding
| of Jeni's proposal is that we would use <p:with-param> to pass
| parameters:
|    <p:step name="my:subPipe">
|        <p:with-param name="foo" select="'someValue'"/>
|        <p:input name="document" ref="xiout"/>
|        <p:output name="result" label="pipeOut"/>
|    </p:step>
| And we would use <p:param> to declare a parameter that is passed to us:
|    <p:pipeline>
|        <p:param name="foo"/>

That's kindof what I thought too, but unless there's more to it, I
think it's more confusing.

p:pipeline elements have to declare their inputs and outputs as well
as their parameters, so I think we either need:

  <p:pipeline name="mySubsteps">
    <p:param .../>
    <p:input .../>
    <p:output .../>


  <p:step name="mySubsteps">
    <p:with-param .../>
    <p:with-input .../>
    <p:with-output .../>

or we need to just use p:parameter, p:input, and p:output in both
places and accept the contextual differences.

Having p:param and p:with-param but using p:input and p:output in both
places just seems confusing.

But maybe that's because I'm not seeing the whole thing.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
XML Standards Architect
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Received on Friday, 19 May 2006 19:34:18 UTC