Accommodations for F2F

Everyone who has not made arrangements for their accommodations
for the Face-to-face meeting in August...

I received a call from the Rocklyn Inn today. They need to receive
your bookings by Thursday or the rooms will be made available
to others -- in particular, there is a group hoping to get the rooms
that very week.

Rocklyn Inn is the most moderately priced of all of the options offered,
and it is the closest (3.2 km) to my property. If you are on a budget,
and who isn't these days, you will want to consider Rocklyn Inn.

If you have not booked anything yet, please do not hesitate any longer.
If you have booked, please advise me so that I can try to keep track
of who is staying where.



Received on Monday, 5 June 2006 17:57:43 UTC