Re: XPaths over document sequences

/ Jeni Tennison <> was heard to say:
| Hi,
|>    [NEW] ACTION: Norm to record the open issue about what an XPath expression
|>    over a document sequence means [recorded in
| On this topic, I'd like to be able to do:
|   <p:choose>
|     <p:input name="input" ref="documents" />
|     <p:when test="input contains one or more documents">
|       ...
|     </p:when>

Ok, my first reaction is, for V1 let's make it an error to attempt to
evaluate an XPath over a sequence of documents. :-)

If you know (or think you might) get a sequence, then you can wrap
them in a for-each. Given a component, p:count-documents-in-sequence,
that generates <count>3</count> for a sequence of three documents,
you could write:

<p:step name="p:count-doucments-in-sequence">
  <p:input name="input" ref="documents"/>
  <p:output name="output" label="count"/>

  <p:when ref="count" test="count &gt; 1">
    <p:for-each-document ...>

Too odious?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
XML Standards Architect
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Received on Thursday, 1 June 2006 13:49:43 UTC