Re: p:for-each

On 7/19/06, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
> A for-each looks like:
>   for-each := ($over, $select?, $label, with-output, {body})


In your proposed syntax, the 3 attributes related to the input are on
<p:for-each>, while the attributes related the output are on an inner
element <p:with-output>.

I think that having attributes related to the input directly on the
<p:for-each> but having attributes related to the output on an inner
element is somewhat inconsistent. So I suggest we use 2 inner

Also, just as we like to have a <p:with-output> which has a different
element name than the pipeline <p:output>, I suggest we used different
element names here: <p:for-each-input> and <p:for-each-output>. This
makes it clear that a <p:for-each-input> is an input, but not exactly
like the <p:input> and <p:with-input> (all those elements also accept
different set of attributes).

That gives:

   <p:for-each-input from="documents-to-import"
   <p:for-each-output label="sequence-of-errors"

Blog (XML, Web apps, Open Source):

Received on Thursday, 20 July 2006 07:09:07 UTC