Re: Requirements Document Updated

Murray Maloney wrote:
> OK, thanks for a great answer. A few follow up questions... Could an 
> output
> take the form of an XML document with an entity declaration in the subset
> and entity reference in the XML document body? Or similarly, a <link 
> to such
> a representation?

While it is certainly possible, general entities are notoriously hard to 
through transformations.  This is where xinclude shines for some use cases.

There are just a lot of component technologies that don't preserve entity
boundaries.  As such, just having one step in the pipeline that uses such
a component would clobber any general entity reference or declaration.
> Or are these questions that need to be asked later?

Certainly there are valid technical use cases that we should address later
when we develop the actual specification.  If there is something that needs
to be recorded as an important use case, we should do that now.

Maybe you can get specific about the particular process you'd like this
spec to cover and we'll try to get that in as a use case in the current
requirement document.   OK?

--Alex Milowski

Received on Sunday, 12 February 2006 20:20:41 UTC