Re: Foreach, Viewport and Choose and another way to default

On 12/22/06, Jeni Tennison <> wrote:
> Mohamed wrote:
> > It seems in those cases that we add an unneeded surrounder wrapper
> > because we don't care about the name
> That's true, but it's still useful to have a wrapper element in case you
> want to (easily) construct a sequence of documents from different sources.
> Instead, I think that we should say that <p:input> within <p:for-each>,
> <p:viewport> and <p:choose> does not have a port attribute (i.e. doesn't
> have a name). (I don't think we want people to reference that input
> anyway, particularly as they're going to get very confused between the
> for-each/viewport "source" and "current" ports.)

Thanks for the reformulation and I agree with it and your point of view

But I should add that it that case, it would be better to have a
special wrapper without name (p:context) instead of disallowing
attribute in those cases (which reintroduce co-constraints)

What do you think about p:context for p:choose/p:when/p:foreach/p:viewport  ?

p:context would not have a name attribute and could have the same
content as an p:input


> Cheers,
> Jeni
> --
> Jeni Tennison

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Received on Friday, 22 December 2006 13:57:58 UTC