Re: XProc: An XML Pipeline Language

First, thanks for the nice bootstrap document.

The introduction states "The outputs from the last component constitute 
the outputs of the pipeline itself."

I'm not so sure about this. Imagine the following example:

I1 -> XSLT
             O2 -> XSLT -> O2b

The pipeline is defined by two XSLT steps. The first takes an input 
document (I1), splits it into two documents (O1, O2). O1 will not be 
processed further, yet I want it to be serialized. On the other hand, O2 
will be processed in the next pipeline step into O2b. This output will 
be part of the pipeline output, therefore serialized.

If the pipeline outputs are just the outputs from the last component, in 
this simple example O1 wouldn't be serialized, just O2b. Is this the 
expected behaviour we want to provide?


Norman Walsh wrote:
> I've started to noodle with a language document:
>                                         Be seeing you,
>                                           norm

Received on Monday, 10 April 2006 10:03:31 UTC