RE: Output port may be connected to...

> How about 
> <para>An output port may have more than one binding: it may be
> connected to more than one input port, more than one of it's
> container's output ports, or both. At runtime this will result in
> distinct copies of the output.
> </para>

Ah, "binding" vs. "connected to" again. I think that including both of
them in one sequence is a deadly mix...

> Separately, I'm noodling about what to do about the overlapping
> meanings of "binding" in our spec :-(

After two years of re-reading the spec, I came to the following
conclusion regarding the difference. Suppose you have the following
dependency graph of steps (Y reads the result of X, Z reads the result
of Y):

X <- Y <- Z

Then X is connected to Y, and Y is connected to Z. Looking from the
other side, Y has a binding to X, and Z has a binding to Y.

Following this logic, most of the spec seems to make sense to me :)


Received on Wednesday, 7 October 2009 13:57:46 UTC