[closed] Re: Typo in content model of c:multipart?

Toman_Vojtech@emc.com writes:
>>   If I understand correctly the following sentence (from the current
>> CR at http://www.w3.org/TR/xproc/#cv.multipart, in Request
>> Entity body conversion):
>>     Each multipart body is represented by a c:body preceded by some
>>     number of c:header elements. These preceding headers associated
>>     with the body part in the multipart message.
>> it corresponds to the content model:
>>     <c:multipart
>>       content-type? = string
>>       boundary = string>
>>         (c:header*,
>>          c:body)+
>>     </c:multipart>
>> but is defined as (note the missing parens):
>>     <c:multipart
>>       content-type? = string
>>       boundary = string>
>>         c:header*,
>>         c:body+
>>     </c:multipart>
>>   Have I missed something?
> I ran into the very same problem today while implementing the multipart
> support in our XProc processor. I think the content model should indeed
> be (c:header*, c:body)+
> Also, the sentence: "These preceding headers associated with the body
> part in the multipart message" should probably read: "These preceding
> headers ARE associated with the body part in the multipart message."

Yes, I believe that's the conclusion that the WG reached.

The content model is now correct in the schema, though it's still
displaying wrong in the spec due to a stylesheet issue.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Man's sensitivity to little things and
http://nwalsh.com/            | insensitivity to the greatest are the
                              | signs of a strange disorder.-- Pascal

Received on Wednesday, 11 March 2009 18:41:30 UTC