Re: Namespace attribute for steps that take wrappers?

2009/12/1 Norman Walsh wrote:
> Florent Georges writes:

>> Stricto sensu, that cannot be a QName for real, as this is in
>> content.

> XProc says explicitly that the content values that are
> lexically QNames must be valid QNames with respect to the
> in-scope namespaces on the element on which they occur.

  Well, in that case, of course... :-/ Thanks for the correction!

  Anyway, the initial worries were about the ability to generate
the right QName, with the right in-scope bindings, for new-name,
using XSLT.  With XSLT 2.0 this is not a problem.  Not sure being
able to use XSLT 1.0 to generate XProc pipelines containing
p:rename does really justify to change p:rename definition.

  But if I am right, @namespace was introduced in XSLT because of
AVTs: to be able to use either a URI or a prefix provided at
runtime, without having to get a static in-scope binding in the
stylesheet.  I guess there is the same problem here when using
p:with-option for new-name, isn't there?


Florent Georges

Received on Tuesday, 1 December 2009 22:22:08 UTC