Re: Namespace attribute for steps that take wrappers?

Florent Georges <> writes:

>   Stricto sensu, that cannot be a QName for real, as this is in
> content.

XProc says explicitly that the content values that are lexically
QNames must be valid QNames with respect to the in-scope namespaces on
the element on which they occur.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | There might very well be nothing; nor            | anyone. No one to notice that there is
                              | nothing, and to consider that natural.
                              | But that there is something, and,
                              | whatever it may be, the strange thing!
                              | I shall never cease being amazed at
                              | this.--André Gide

Received on Tuesday, 1 December 2009 21:41:58 UTC