Re: p:choose is poorly and/or incorrectly specified

mozer <> writes:
> Why does it have no name ?
> Couldn't we just keep the name of the primary output port ?

I guess it could, but that might introduce real subtlety considering
how far back you might have to look to find the named port. (Consider
a step that ends with a call to a pipeline that ends with a call to a
pipeline that ends with a step that has an output port with a name.)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | We cannot put off living until we are            | ready. The most salient characteristic
                              | of life is its coerciveness: it is
                              | always urgent, 'here and now' without
                              | any possible postponement. Life is
                              | fired at us point blank.--José Ortega Y
                              | Gasset

Received on Monday, 20 April 2009 19:52:37 UTC