Re: p:choose is poorly and/or incorrectly specified

Bleh ! indeed !

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 2:55 AM, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
> The comment in the otherwise suggests that the preceding p:when
> statements have an output named result. This is partially supported
> by section 2.3:
>  Additionally, if a compound step has no declared outputs and the
>  last step in its subpipeline has an unbound primary output, then an
>  implicit primary output port will be added to the compound step (and
>  consequently the last step's primary output will be bound to it).
>  This implicit output port has no name. It inherits the sequence
>  property of the port bound to it.
> Except that 2.3 says the implicit output port has no name.
> Bleh.
Why does it have no name ?
Couldn't we just keep the name of the primary output port ?


Received on Thursday, 2 April 2009 08:01:04 UTC