Re: c:request/@send-authorization default

Florent Georges <> writes:
>   In the section about
> c:request in p:http-request, it is not clear to me whether the
> attribute send-authorization is required or not when username is set
> (I think it is optional if we read the CR strictly,) and if it is
> optional, what is its default value (I guess the intent is 'false',
> while 'true' would make sense I think.)

I've tried to clarify that section (in the editor's draft of a few
minutes ago). Please let me know if you think it's still confusing.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | To what excesses will men not go for            | the sake of a religion in which they
                              | believe so little and which they
                              | practice so imperfectly!--La Bruyère

Received on Friday, 10 April 2009 17:46:51 UTC