[closed] Re: Section 5.11 unnecessary complex?

Per the discussion at the 9 Apr 2009 telcon, following our resolution
of issue 100, the text of section 5.11 *is* describing an exception.

A p:pipe inside a p:output on a compound step is allowed to connect to
ports that are not in the set of readable ports. 

So, the prose is correct, we decided.

> Section 5.11 (p:pipe) says:
> "In all cases except the p:output of a compound step, it is a static
> error (err:XS0022) if the port identified by a p:pipe is not in the
> readable ports of the step that contains the p:pipe.
> A p:pipe that is a binding for an p:output of a compound step may
> connect to one of the readable ports of the compound step or to an
> output port on one of the compound step's contained steps. In other
> words, the output of a compound step can simply be a copy of one of the
> available inputs or it can be the output of one of its children."
> Is the "except the p:output of a compound" phrase, as well as the second
> paragraph really necessary? I thin kit all follows from the definition
> of the inherited environment.
> Or was the intent just to be more explicit about this, so that is clear
> what compound steps can connect to?
> Regards,
> Vojtech

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | A man may by custom fortify himself
http://nwalsh.com/            | against pain, shame, and suchlike
                              | accidents; but as to death, we can
                              | experience it but once, and are all
                              | apprentices when we come to it.--
                              | Montaigne

Received on Thursday, 9 April 2009 17:54:32 UTC