Re: On the interpretation of match=

"Florent Georges" <> writes:

>   I am not sure to understand.  Let's say we have the follwing document:
>     <root>
>        <elem/>
>        <!-- comment -->
>        <elem/>
>     </root>
>   Will this step generate an error because the match pattern will
> select the comment and text nodes, or will this only result in
> renaming the second element? (ok, the example is pointless, but it
> shows the issue):
>     <p:rename match="elem/following-sibling::node()" new-name="foo"/>

The former, that's an error.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | To probe a hole we first use a straight            | stick to see how far it takes us. To
                              | probe the visible world we use the
                              | assumption that things are simple until
                              | they prove to be otherwise.--E. H.
                              | Gombrich

Received on Sunday, 5 October 2008 18:15:49 UTC