Re: foreign namespaces

"Florent Georges" <> writes:

>   If you just say: "if it is declared, then that is a call, else that
> is a ignorable foreign element," the processor can't make the
> difference anymore.  Unless... you require to identify extension
> processor namespaces (like @extension-element-prefixes in XSLT.)

Right. And we did try that, we had an ignored-prefixes attribute for a
while, but it was all much, much more complicated than simply having a
p:pipeinfo wrapper around the user-defined non-step extension elements.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | We cannot put off living until we are            | ready. The most salient characteristic
                              | of life is its coerciveness: it is
                              | always urgent, 'here and now' without
                              | any possible postponement. Life is
                              | fired at us point blank.--José Ortega Y
                              | Gasset

Received on Wednesday, 27 August 2008 14:12:42 UTC