more p:output thoughts

a few remarks on p:output.

5.5 p:output Element

p:output can contain a p:document which in turn is defined as 'A
p:document reads an XML document from a URI.' this an oversight
of some sort? Is there any related error condition for this type of

3.3 Associating Documents with Ports

All the examples in this section are using p:input, might be useful to
add p:output where appropriate

Clarification on URI bindings with p:output

What happens when a p:output is defined with a http:// URL...I assume
we leave this to underlying system.....I know I would probably like an
HTTP PUT to occur...then we have other schemes such as ftp:// and
sftp:// and even perhaps xml::db or webdav:......I think for now I am
interested in default result output being defined with alternate URI
and the security implications....just thinking that there maybe some
impact here (user creds....)

cheers, Jim Fuller

Received on Thursday, 7 June 2007 23:23:46 UTC