Re: XInclude 1.1 test suite

On 2016-03-28 20:22, Norman Walsh wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Attached, please find a slice of XInclude test suite that includes new
> tests for XInclude 1.1. I haven’t actually run them yet because I need
> to get a harness setup.
> I’m going to try to get these checked in somewhere “real soon now” but
> I’d appreciate high level review. Anyone see anything I’m missing?
> Anyone want to propose additional tests?

I made a quick pass, and I'm neither sure that I've caught
it all nor sure everything I suggest is necessary, but:

0.  Add all the examples from appendix C of the document itself.

1.  "Implementations must treat values of the parse attribute that it 
does not recognize as a recoverable error and handle the xi:include 
element as described in 4.6 Fallback Behavior."

2.  "It is a fatal error to specify the set-xml-id attribute when text 
processing is specified."

3.  "When the value of the set-xml-id attribute is not the empty string, 
an xml:id attribute will be added to all top-level included items that 
are element information items."  (That is, testing set-xml-id with 
multiple top-level included items.)

4.  "attributes in xml: namespace [e.g., xml:lang] are not copied"

5.  Note also the desire for another test case for the XInclude test 
suite per


Received on Tuesday, 29 March 2016 14:31:02 UTC