Re: Proposed erratum to unreserve names beginning xml

Paul Grosso scripsit:

> So I don't think we need or should say anything in prose
> here about "xml" PI targets [I know, it's been in the spec
> forever], and that what we should say here is something like:
>  <phrase diff="add">Target names that begin "xml-"
>  (regardless of case; i.e., "xml-", "XML-", "xMl-", etc.)</phrase>

I would go further, and skip the "regardless of case".  We aren't going
to want to assign names like "XML-BONG", much less "xMl-StUdLyCaPs".

Let's reserve element and attribute names beginning with "xml:", and
PI targets beginning with "xml-", and let all the rest go.

You know, you haven't stopped talking           John Cowan
since I came here. You must have been 
vaccinated with a phonograph needle.  
        --Rufus T. Firefly

Received on Friday, 14 December 2012 21:44:25 UTC