RE: Namespace well-formed external parsed entities?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:public-xml-core-wg-
>] On Behalf Of Norman Walsh
> Sent: Tuesday, 2011 October 18 10:39
> To:
> Subject: Namespace well-formed external parsed entities?
> The XML Query/XSLT WGs are defining a function to load external parsed
> entities. That raises the question of what namespace well-formedness
> means in that context. Do we have any thoughts?

I'm sure I'm missing some subtlety, but what is the complication?

A document is namespace well-formed if:

1.  it is XML.
2.  All element and attribute names contain either zero or one colon.
3.  No entity names, processing instruction targets, or notation names
    contain any colons.
4.  It conforms to the following namespace constraints:
  a.  Reserved Prefixes and Namespace Names (xml: and xmlns:)
  b.  Prefix Declared
  c.  No Prefix Undeclaring
  d.  Attributes Unique

About the only subtlety I see wrt entities is whether one says
the namespace declaration must be in the entity itself or can
be "inherited" from the "load environment" (in a fashion somewhat
similar to what the XPointer xmlns() scheme allows one to do
for xpointers).

Are there other complications?


Received on Tuesday, 18 October 2011 16:01:26 UTC