XML Core WG Status and Open Actions as of 2010 November 2

The XML Core WG telcons are every other week.

However, we have cancelled this week's telcon of November 3
due to TPAC.

Therefore, our next telcon will be 2010 November 17.

Status and open actions

We need to consider what we want for our charter for 2011
and 2012.

TAG concern wrt 3023bis, +xml media types and fragids
Henry sent email about this at

3023bis says that the +xml implies that the resource is suitable for 
processing by generic xml processors.  And it says that such xml
processors should handle fragment ids.  Specifically, handling the
fragment identifiers in an rdf+xml document is not something that a 
generic xml processor could do.

The TAG was leaning toward removing the statement from 3023bis that
says that fragid syntax and semantics is something that any generic
xml processor can handle in a +xml resource.

Norm and John (among others) weighed in; see the thread at
Norm's latest (as of July 18) is at

Larry replied to Norm's email at
in which, among other things, he asks for examples of 
generic XML tools which interpret fragids. 

The TAG discussed this during their f2f.  Draft minutes at

I'd still like to hear from Henry as to the status of this.

ACTION to Henry:  Provide a status update on the 3023bis and
fragment identifier issue.

Associating Stylesheets
See also http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#assoc-ss

AssocSS 2nd Ed is now a Recommendation at

ACTION to Henry: Update the Errata document at

XML Model
This has been published as a WG Note at

Jirka indicated the ISO version of XML model is going to DIS.
It should soon go out for vote as DIS over the next 3-4 months.

We will plan to update our WG Note to reference the ISO spec
once it is officially available.  We will also update our Note
to reference the Rec version of AssocSS 2nd Ed when available.

Received on Tuesday, 2 November 2010 13:24:26 UTC