Re: Assoc SS issue list

Simon Pieters scripsit:

> >        href MUST be a LEIRI
> LEIRI seems to allow whitespace. Why would we want to allow whitespace in  
> href? In HTML, that's considered an error.

For compatibility with the other URI-like strings in XML (system identifiers,
XLinks, etc.)

> >        type MUST have the syntax of a RFC 2045 media type
> It seems HTML5 references RFC 2046 for <link type>.

Either will do.

> >        media MUST be a Name or comma-separated list of Names
> Why Name?
> Media Queries can look like
>    media="all and (max-width: 500px)"

Ah.  I was copying HTML4 here.  So let's not put any requirement on
the processor.

> >        charset MUST be a Name
> Why a Name?
> HTML5 says about <meta charset>:
> "The value must be a valid character encoding name, and must be the  
> preferred name for that encoding. [IANACHARSET]"

If you look at the IANA charset names, they are all XML Names in syntax.
I'm only trying to constrain syntax here: we can't expect the stylesheet-pi
processor to know what the valid names are.

> I think handling of invalid values should be consistent with HTML <link  
> rel="stylesheet">:
> href: resolve against document's URL according to Web addresses, using  
> utf-8 as the URL's encoding. If this returns an error, ignore the PI.
> media: refer to Media Queries. If the query evaluates to false, ignore the  
> PI.
> type: if it is a type the UA does not support, the UA may opt to not fetch  
> the resource.
> charset: HTML5 does not have <link charset> at all. But if we keep it, and  
> the value is an encoding the UA does not support or is not an encoding  
> name, then ignore the pseudo-attribute.

The stylesheet-pi processor doesn't know these things, so it can't do full validity
testing.  What I'm saying here is that the pseudo-atts should conform to certain
syntax rules.

Said Agatha Christie / To E. Philips Oppenheim  John Cowan
"Who is this Hemingway? / Who is this Proust?
Who is this Vladimir / Whatchamacallum,
This neopostrealist / Rabble?" she groused.
        --George Starbuck, Pith and Vinegar

Received on Wednesday, 24 June 2009 00:53:15 UTC