draft CURIE review

draft review--please comment.



Various members of the XML Core WG have reviewed the
CURIE specification at several stages of development, 
and the WG has discussed CURIEs among themselves 
several times.

There is disagreement among the WG members about the
value of CURIEs.  While some members don't object
to them as long as it isn't claimed that a CURIE
is a namespace, others fear the similarity with
QNames will be confusing at best and possibly
problematic for certain applications and tools,
and several of us think CURIEs are a bad idea.

At this time, while most of the XML Core WG would
rather not have CURIEs continue to be proposed and
used, we have given up spending energy fighting
what seems to be a losing cause.

Paul Grosso
for the XML Core WG

Received on Wednesday, 13 August 2008 16:42:13 UTC