Re: Request to name the "no namespace" namespace

Henry S. Thompson wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> This is a vexed question.  A quick look at your document suggest some
> pretty good wording, e.g.
>  "The prefix of a qualified name may be omitted to indicate that the
>  name belongs to no namespace."
> That's exactly right, and doesn't seem awkward.

It takes several rewrites before my sentences are no longer awkward.

> Could you give some examples of wording you're not so happy with?

"When a CSS qualified name is used in a context (such as Selectors
[SELECT]) that does not recognize association with the empty string
namespace and lack of a namespace as two distinct, valid possibilities,
prefixes representing the empty string namespace and no namespace
must be treated as equivalent."

And that used to be much more awkward the first 5-8 times I tried
to write it.


Received on Wednesday, 23 April 2008 16:22:13 UTC