C14N 1.1 WD update [was: Agenda for XML Core WG telcon of 2006 October 25]

	From: Glenn Marcy [mailto:gmarcy@us.ibm.com] 

	> Some notes on the C14N 1.1 WD:
	> Richard thinks the "diff markup" of 3986 is enlightening
	> and should actually appear in the spec.
	> ACTION to Glenn:  Try to reflect this in some way.
	> ACTION to Glenn:  Update C14N 1.1 to reference 3986 instead of

	Done and done.

Attached is Glenn's latest C14N 1.1 draft.

Henry, I tried to put this up at
but first I got a jigedit status 500 Internal Server Error,
then when I tried again, I got status 409 Conflict,
so it appears something is screwed up with jigsaw.

Please post this at the URL I give above.


Received on Wednesday, 25 October 2006 13:40:11 UTC