FW: XML Activity Approved


-----Original Message-----
From: w3c-ac-members-request@w3.org On Behalf Of Susan Lesch
Sent: Thursday, 2006 October 12 10:15
To: w3c-ac-members@w3.org
Cc: Philippe Le Hegaret; Liam Quin
Subject: XML Activity Approved

Dear Advisory Committee Representative,

W3C is pleased to announce the renewal through 31 January 2009 of the XML
Activity and the following six Working, Interest and Coordination Groups:

    * XML Core Working Group
      Extended through: 30 June 2008
      Charter: http://www.w3.org/2006/06/XML/core.html

    * XSL Working Group
      Extended through: 31 January 2009
      Charter: http://www.w3.org/2006/06/XML/xsl.html

    * XML Schema Working Group
      Extended through: 31 December 2007
      Charter: http://www.w3.org/2006/06/XML/schema-wg.html

    * XML Schema Interest Group
      Extended through: 31 December 2007
      Charter: http://www.w3.org/2006/06/XML/schema-ig.html

    * XML Plenary Interest Group
      Extended through: 30 June 2008
      Charter: http://www.w3.org/2006/06/XML/plenary.html

    * XML Coordination Group
      Extended through: 30 June 2008
      Charter: http://www.w3.org/2006/06/XML/cg.html

Due to new materials raised during the review period, the XML Query proposed
charter hasn't been approved and the current charter is extended instead. We
expect to send a new proposed charter for the Working Group before the
upcoming AC meeting:

    * XML Query Working Group
      Extended through: 31 January 2007
      Charter: http://www.w3.org/2003/09/xmlap/xml-query-wg-charter.html

The Efficient XML Interchange Working Group, chartered through 31 December
2007, and the XML Processing Working Group, chartered through 31 October 2007,
were not part of this Call for Review, and continue as previously approved [1,2].

This announcement refers to the W3C Process Document section 5.4 "Extension of
an Activity" [3].

For Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director;
Philippe Le Hégaret, Architecture Domain Leader; and
Liam Quin, XML Activity Lead;
Susan Lesch, W3C Communications Team

Responses to Member Input

We appreciate the responses to the Call for Review [4] of the Activity
Proposal [5] of 17 May 2006. There were strong Member support for the Activity
Proposal and no Formal Objections. There were a small number of requests for
substantive modifications; please see the following disposition of comments
for the complete set of change requests and responses:

Timeline of XML Schema Working Group

The timeline given is an intentionally aggressive one, worked out in
consultation with the Chair and the editors. The XML Schema Working Group has
become more active recently, we believe in part because their Chair has set
them more aggressive schedules than in the past. So, while it's clear that the
timeline to Last Call is now very short, it seems better to retain the schedule.

The time allowed for dealing with Last Call comments, however, does seem to be
too tight in the charter as published, so that part of the timeline has been
relaxed a bit.

Scope of the Renewed (and Public) XML Plenary Mailing List

A comment was raised asking for clarification about the relationship between
the XML Plenary mailing list and the WWW TAG list. The former is intended to
be about XML architecture and standardization issues and to have a somewhat
different focus. A primary goal is providing a forum for members of the wider
XML community to interact with participants in W3C XML-related Working Groups.
If the list is ineffective, we will close it.

On New Work Within the XML Query Working Group

A comment was made suggesting that the Working Group needs to focus on
completing and stabilizing XQuery 1.0, XQuery Full-Text, and XQuery Update,
and not spend time on new versions.

This is a good point. In addition, during the Advisory Committee review
period, new technical work -- XQueryP [6] -- attracted interest within this
Working Group.

We are extending the existing charter for the W3C XML Query Working Group, and
will issue a separate Call for Review to take into account the new
developments, after further discussion with the Working Group Chairs. In the
meantime it seems unlikely that a new version of XML Query (1.1) could reach
W3C Recommendation sufficiently soon to give an impression of instability. We
also feel that it is necessary to keep up some technical momentum, rather than
risk the Working Group slipping into maintenance mode only, as this could make
it difficult to ramp up to doing new technical work.

The Efficient XML Interchange Working Group

Although the EXI work was not included in this review, one Member did take the
opportunity to comment on it. We welcome all comments, of course, but will
note here only that the Working Group was at a time of transition between
Chairs, and is now once again fully furnished.

We also agree that the Working Group is behind its charter schedule. An
updated version of the timeline is available on the Working Group home page.

[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ac-members/2005OctDec/0042
[2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ac-members/2005OctDec/0015
[3] http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/activities#ActivityExtension
[4] http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/xml2006/
[5] http://www.w3.org/2006/06/XML/activity-proposal.html
[6] (PDF) http://www.ximep-2006.org/papers/Paper-Chamberlin-Carey.pdf

Received on Thursday, 12 October 2006 15:37:25 UTC