Re: RFC2119 usage in XML 11 (was Re: Agenda for XML Core WG telcon of 2006 February 22)

Henry S. Thompson scripsit:

> Done -- see
> This shows all the changes John suggested in his message [1].

The only changes I'd wish to retract are SHOULD > should in 2.13 and 5.1.
These constrain the behavior of programs that generate XML, and ought to
be proper RFC 2119 SHOULDs.

> Note I have used chg markup, rendered as green background, for RFC2119
> MAY which John recommends should _remain_ as RFC2119 MAY, since these
> are the more unusual cases.

I appreciate all your work on this.

John Cowan
        Is it not written, "That which is written, is written"?

Received on Wednesday, 22 February 2006 21:01:38 UTC