Re: Minutes for XML Core WG telcon of 2005 March 9

Paul Grosso a écrit :
> JohnC noted:
> In PEX6: whether or not an initial U+FFEF is part of a 
> text/plain document (or in our case, a document which is 
> being treated as text/plain) depends on the character encoding.  
> If it's UTF-{8,16,32}, then no, it's a BOM and should be 
> discarded.  If it's UTF-{16,32}{LE,BE}, then yes, it's a
> ZWNBSP character and should be kept.

FWIW, I agree with John that here the initial U+FEFF should be 
considered a BOM and discarded, but I find some confusion in the above. 
  In the case presented in PEX6, it has been determined (through 
defaulting) that the encoding is UTF-8, so all the rest about 
UTF-{16,32} and UTF-{16,32}{LE,BE} is non sequitur.


Received on Thursday, 10 March 2005 02:22:05 UTC