RE: FW: XInclude use case for Device Independence

You will notice from DISelect [1] that we have introduced the idea of
"selid", which is a selection ID attribute that is transformed into
an actual ID attribute. The purpose of this is to provide a mechanism
that can generate IDs for tags in the selected content, especially if
alternative selections required the same IDs.

I can envisage an extension of this idea to permit generic attributes
whose value is calculated via AVTs. Here is a sample of the markup:

 <sel:when sel:expr="dc:cssmq-color() &gt; 16">
  <object sel:avtsrc="concat('/',fn:current-date())"/>


 <sel:when sel:expr="dc:cssmq-color() &lt; 4">
  <xi:include sel:avthref="concat('/',fn:current-date())"/>

This would enable DISelect to support the creation of src and href
attribute values via AVT. Unfortunately this aproach doesn't scale up
very well. A more generic approach would need to be considered, though
it would certainly address the requirements of the dynamic content
aggregation use case we've been considering.

Thanks for all the feedback to date.



-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Veillard []
Sent: 22 December 2004 12:58
Cc: Rotan Hanrahan; Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM;
Subject: Re: FW: XInclude use case for Device Independence

On Tue, Dec 21, 2004 at 08:23:17AM -0800, T. V. Raman wrote:
> In general, having the ability to use AVTs (Attribute Value
> Templates) anywhere in XML -- rather than just in XSLT would be a
> huge win for a lot of use cases. 

  Hum, AVTs are an escaping meachnism. That would mean you need to
define when/where that escaping need to be undone and define XPath for
anywhere in the document, there is arbitrary set of informations
(like the prefix mappings, variables, current node set, position, ...)
that would need to be defined. It doesn't sound that easy to me :-)


Daniel Veillard      | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit  | Rpmfind RPM search engine | 

Received on Wednesday, 22 December 2004 12:40:52 UTC