Re: Chatter around titles

Thanks for your comments.

As it turns out, the working group resolved recently to revert the 
content model of Meta back to its XHTML 1 form more or less, so there is 
no PCDATA nor Text permitted within meta.  Also, meta is no longer 
permitted in the body.  Consequently, we believe this particular item is 
no longer in conflict.

You can see this change, as well as many others, by checking out the 
current draft of XHTML2.  This is always available via the Drafts page 

dorian taylor wrote:
> It looks like there's some chatter around the title element versus
> meta title, etc. I wanted to throw in and get some clarification on
> its content model.
> If the title element is supposed to be equivalent to <meta
> property="title">, it occurs to me that its content model should match
> the meta element's production of Text* rather than PCDATA*.
> As far as I can ascertain the following are equivalent:
> <title>foo</title>
> <title content="foo"/>
> <meta property="title">foo</title>
> <meta property="title" content="foo"/>
> But it occurs to me that these two should also be equivalent:
> <title><em>Important!</em></title> <!-- illegal -->
> <meta property="title"><em>Important!</em></meta>
> I know that the title element in HTML 4 and the older XHTMLs are
> PCDATA*, but does it make sense to carry forward? I can foresee
> potential implications on the parts of user agents but little more
> than would already exist to support the format at large.
> Regards,
> --
> Dorian Taylor

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Received on Wednesday, 8 April 2009 16:28:04 UTC