Re: "snapshot" XHTML DTD for all current modules?

Shane McCarron wrote:
> olivier Thereaux wrote:
>> On 6-May-08, at 1:53 AM, Shane McCarron wrote:
>>>  There are LOTS of modules in the xhtml namespace, and many of them 
>>> conflict with one another.  So there would be no easy way to create 
>>> a DTD that contained all of the modules.
>> Ah. I wasn't aware of conflicts between modules. Do you have examples 
>> handy?
> Sure.   Tables, and Basic Tables.   Metaattributes from RDFa Syntax 
> and the meta attributes module from M12N 1.0.  XForms and Forms.  
> Forms and Basic Forms.  There are probably more.
>> Is there, today, a document type that at least allows me to use the 
>> features of ARIA, ITS, and RDFa?
>> W3C should either provide a document type mixing most interesting 
>> features of XHTML, or add a conformance level where XHTML can be used 
>> without a doctype, using only the namespace.
> I disagree strongly that you can use the namespace as a language 
> selector.  But I know others think that you can.  However, since that 
> namespace is used for XHTML 1, 1.1, Basic 1.0, XHTML+RDFa, etc..... I 
> don't see how you could possibly use the namespace to indicate the 
> markup language in use.  We have @version.  Use that.
>> A situation where one MUST use a doctype but isn't provided with a 
>> doctype to use all cool features of XHTML is rather 
>> counter-productive for the adoption of XHTML and its features, don't 
>> you think?
> Well.... None of the cool features you are referring to are actually 
> at REC status yet.

with one exception - ITS ;)

> If they were, you can be confidenf we would also be introducing a new 
> markup language.

So will you do that for XHTML+ITS?


Received on Wednesday, 7 May 2008 14:16:30 UTC