Re: Meeting with SVG, XHTML, WAI people to move forward on ARIA as a cross cutting technology


>  Sorry, I meant xhtml 2 working goup. There is no "xhtml working group."  BTW if you click the
> link to XHTML on the W3C web site it goes the the XHTML 2 working group.

It was Anne who was making the distinction between the "XHTML WG" and
the "XHTML 2 WG", not me; I used the term "XHTML WG" and he rather
astutely pointed out that there was no such thing.

> I have to say I think you are going a bit overboard.

There isn't much I can say to that...I don't think I am. :)

> We have bigger problems here than the semantics of the subject line.

You surely don't think that this about the semantics of the subject
line, Richard. This is about many things, but that is not one of them.

The subject line was mentioned because it was phrased to imply that a
meeting had taken place which involved an exchange of views from
various 'communities'. That is not what happened, and I didn't want
people to be misled into thinking it had.

As to having "bigger problems", we definitely agree there. :) I'm
having trouble seeing how this will be resolved in any useful way
though, given the parameters that have been set by the W3C. This is as
much about having a clear 'vision' as it is about producing a
technical solution.



  Mark Birbeck, formsPlayer | +44 (0) 20 7689 9232 |

  standards. innovation.

Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2007 21:55:17 UTC