RE: wot won Thing, asked W3C Identity Conference

Your innovating again. Trying to change the space. That contrasts with my model (use what's there, at tiny extra cost). SOme happy medium has to emerge I(with a promise that the cycle repeats) Its hard. Which is just more enabling? 1. make the older client cert stuff work in the old client/server browser with vendor-controlled crypto, but done right for late-stage usage patterns of 20 years old stuff 2. take the new pipe with user controlled javascript crypto, and dump client/server for secure signalling. Does one leap 4 bridges or 2. Can the tanks really keep up with the elite parachutists, as they lumber along through the mud? ONe of my parents tells a story of a high power scientist  innovating with PVC, for tank electrics. Took them to Libya, and they didnt work reliably. Noone knew the UV destroyed PVC (until you pigment it with 1c worth of filler). All worked reliably in cloud cast England.     
 > Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2012 18:01:46 +0100
> Subject: Re: wot won Thing, asked W3C Identity Conference
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> On 7 January 2012 17:38, Peter Williams <> wrote:
> > The identity conference hosted by W3C aksed folks to state one thing that
> > could be done by all browser manufacturers, that makes a difference. The
> > difference doesnt have to save this world. It just has to remove a disabling
> > barrier.
> >
> > For me, its for ALL mainstream browsers to have something similar to that
> > provided in IE8+: the "New Session" menu item. This is that which, in the
> > SSL world, allows me to stay on the same site (e.g. WebID Realm) and change
> > client certificate, without exiting the browser. (It may have other
> > properties related to pseudo-privacy, too)
> >
> > With all mainstream browser others than IE8+, I have to exit the browser to
> > use a differnt persona (and even all instances of the process, in some of
> > the worst cases).
> >
> > With New Session I dont. I get a new brower window (with new tab set),
> > enabled with new SSL client authn.
> >
> > This is worth having universally. WebID depends on it, I'd counsel.
> IMHO the biggest game changer would be for browsers to become full
> duplex, rather than client-server.
> Identity (eg webid) and HTML can play a role in that.  There's a few
> early prototypes out there already ... hopefully that's the direction
> things will go to make the web more of the read/write P2P distributed
> storage system that was originally envisaged.
> >
> > The second thing is ... almost equally useful. But, Im not allowed two
> > wishes.

Received on Saturday, 7 January 2012 18:54:32 UTC