Re: cert:fingerprint ?

On 10/25/11 3:02 PM, Henry Story wrote:
> Ok, it is certainly possible to have a link from a cert:X509Certificate to a fingerprint. But what is the use you wish to make of this? Ie. the use case.
I want to be able to use Blog Posts, Tweets as resources that hold the 
relation between a WebID and its host Certificate. Thus, instead of 
being confined to modulus and exponent based checks, I can just use the 
Certs. fingerprint.

BTW -- I already have this working i.e., I can use a Tweet or Blog Post 
to persist the fingerprint. The as part of our particular WebID 
verification protocol implementation, use this approach to verify 
identity. Thus, we are lowering the barrier of entry by allowing people 
to publish their certificates (with WebID watermarks) via Blog Posts, 
Tweets etc..

I hope the usecase is clear? It's really important for us to find a low 
cost pattern that highly viral re. WebID.



Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Tuesday, 25 October 2011 20:07:50 UTC